Saturday, September 14, 2013

Independent in the true sense.

Does being independent or self sufficient only amount to being so monetarily? If that would be the case, most of us are, and one day eventually will be independent. It is not a major task and requires very less effort for a few of them (ones who thrive on parents money) I am sure.The question remains, are we independent internally?
When your close friends whom you are so habitual to talk to on a daily basis, don't talk. You are off the Internet, whatsapp, sms etc. Then does it affect you? You are very much dependant on other people for your happiness. He/she didn't talk today at all, mood swings? Then you are not independent in the true sense. Which will ultimately lead to a so called void that some time or the other you will face in some aspects of your life.
Is it ok to depend on other people for your happiness? To not depend on others, is this a practical concept? It is great spending time with others, but make sure it doesn't become such a habit that without them you feel a void. If the void is seen, then you are not independent.
The 'affecting you because the habitual talk is missing' cannot be eradicated, but can be replaced with something better, subtler, unselfish than what was prevalent.
In a survey, a group people were given $20 to spend on themselves and the other group was given $5 to spend on others. It was seen that the ones who spent on others were reported to be more happy even if they spent less, but just because they spent on others they were happier. So it is not about how much money you have, but about giving whatever little you can give. Thus, giving in small proportions does divert your mind and make you independent.
How else would one be independent? Being objective. Not having an axe to grind everyday. Read a book, watch a movie all alone, work on creative aspects all alone, write contemplate. Not watch TV and laze around, but do anything all alone with a somewhat productive approach.
Great going to an independent life!

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