Saturday, November 30, 2013

Realized? How many things we are neutralized to!

To begin, lets see what neutralization is:
Neutralized is when one gets used to that thing so much that one doesn't value it when one has it, but when it is taken away, one starts valuing it much more and ultimately he/she can't live without it.
We are neutralized to our eyes, limbs, nose; almost all our body parts. If we lose it we can't live without it. Yet, when we have it, we don't value it much.
But how can we live without being neutralized to our body parts? How is that possible? Can I keep saying: oh look at my limbs I am so grateful to have my limbs, I keep moving my limbs because I know the value of my limbs. Now, why would I do that? I would be considered insane if I would do such a thing, right?
So what should you do in order to not get neutralized? Or what is unhealthy neutralization?
Now a days couples spend so much time together, over indulge then after a point of time they say 'they simply lost interest' why does that happen? Because of overindulgence, after a point of time due to constant indulgence they get neutralized. Hence, having too many desires and feeding to it periodically and indulging to that extent will make you 'lose interest'. So how do I tackle this? Simply indulge at an optimum level. Know where your limits are.
In the west, after marriage, people go for honeymoon. Soon India, or the east has also started adopting that. But what is the Indian culture? 'Pag phere ki rasam' which is, the bride goes to her mother's place right after marriage. It is just the opposite to honeymoon. Where honeymoon is indulgence, Pag phere ki rasam indicates indulgence to a limit. I am not against indulgence but overindulgence, I just mean to say is, judge for yourself, use your intellect. You don't have to follow the heard.
Observe, question, decide: Will I be neutralized by doing this? 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fixation + consistency

I used to always come up with a solution that the main problem with me is consistency. It is just consistency that is spoiling everything that I do. But I now know that I am not fully right.
Well, consistency is a factor, but in addition I have discovered that it is 'fixation'. To be fixed to my goals. The main reason why I or anyone cannot pull that off is because we are not fixed. Mind wanders, so does our action, thus results. So to get it all in place. I have to be fixed.
When I have to wake up at 5am in the morning, if there is a flight to catch or a lecture to attend. I will wake up instantly, and just one alarm is more than enough. But when I have to wake up at 5am just to study, I won't wake up that instantly. Reason? Fixation.
I am fixed in my mind that I have to wake up otherwise I will miss my flight or lecture. But in the other case if I don't wake up, it will be ok because it is just self study.
Now, I name my alarm 'flight to catch' and before sleeping remind myself 'flight to catch' and The results (positive of course) tell it all.
Just to imagine if everything goes as fixed and with consistency! Near perfection it will be!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Independent in the true sense.

Does being independent or self sufficient only amount to being so monetarily? If that would be the case, most of us are, and one day eventually will be independent. It is not a major task and requires very less effort for a few of them (ones who thrive on parents money) I am sure.The question remains, are we independent internally?
When your close friends whom you are so habitual to talk to on a daily basis, don't talk. You are off the Internet, whatsapp, sms etc. Then does it affect you? You are very much dependant on other people for your happiness. He/she didn't talk today at all, mood swings? Then you are not independent in the true sense. Which will ultimately lead to a so called void that some time or the other you will face in some aspects of your life.
Is it ok to depend on other people for your happiness? To not depend on others, is this a practical concept? It is great spending time with others, but make sure it doesn't become such a habit that without them you feel a void. If the void is seen, then you are not independent.
The 'affecting you because the habitual talk is missing' cannot be eradicated, but can be replaced with something better, subtler, unselfish than what was prevalent.
In a survey, a group people were given $20 to spend on themselves and the other group was given $5 to spend on others. It was seen that the ones who spent on others were reported to be more happy even if they spent less, but just because they spent on others they were happier. So it is not about how much money you have, but about giving whatever little you can give. Thus, giving in small proportions does divert your mind and make you independent.
How else would one be independent? Being objective. Not having an axe to grind everyday. Read a book, watch a movie all alone, work on creative aspects all alone, write contemplate. Not watch TV and laze around, but do anything all alone with a somewhat productive approach.
Great going to an independent life!

Monday, June 24, 2013

To let go

When that person is bothering you, no its not your family member, your close friend or anyone close in particular but yet you make a fuss about it, contemplate, waste more energy thinking and pushing and analyzing in deep. All for what?
This post is just to tell myself and you, 'to let go'
Often people say how can I just ignore, how to just let go. Its irritating, frustrating. It sure can be but don't you want to get out of the frustration? Solve the issue? So why focus on the problem but not the solution. It is very difficult to get people out of the problem they are focusing on, to not get out of the situation but just out of their mind, with me too; and that is because the problem that we all think about seems to be too big. In short we personalize it to such an extent that we overlook to even search for the solution.
Ideally, when in a fix, the first thing is to look at problem at large, not personally and then try to resolve it, think of the solution instead of the issue. Try and solve it, use the intellect to crack it. And after all that is done to try and fix the issue; understand that I must let go.
Let go of the issue, 'move on' as it is famously known as. Apply it, literally move on.
Another reason why it is difficult for people to move on, is there isn't much to do in life. So go and explore, find what you can do in life. Exploring, discovering and if you are already aware; going and doing it, will definitely help you "to let go".

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Get high on rain...

Its raining... Everyone seems to be so happy! New hopes, new smiles, happy faces everywhere.
Through I don't enjoy the rains so much, but this is for those who just live it up for the mumbai rains.
Those first showers, the first drops parched on the skin can give someone a high. And it gets better with every downpour. Creative minds come out, filter coffee starts brewing. One does things what one does not even do when there are no rains.
Talking about mittiki khushboo or sondhi sondhi si khushboo,the rain on earth kind of smell can now be brought in a bottle! Yes, thats right. Walk into a shop in the bustling Teen Darwaza area of Old Ahmedabad, and ask for 'Mitti' attar also called 'itr-e-khaki'.
Im sure it can't beat the original all natural mitti ki khushboo, but hey this one is unique!
Go guys, explore your inner happiness, now get high on rains!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

In a situation. Blame myself.

I always do that. Blame myself. Is it right to do so? I used to feel it is right to always say it is your fault because then you improve. But excess of blaming yourself will make your morale really low. Give you low self esteem. Make you cry.
So how do you tackle this situation? The immediate effect would be to just stop thinking about yourself. Think about anything or anyone else but not yourself. We are all selfish, self-obsessed idiots! And in a situation when you are all stressed out or crying then the first thing to do is, just stop thinking of that 'me','I', 'myself'
But the question is, if One stops thinking about oneself then how do you occupy that mind? Distraction? I guess distraction would help.
Or just lying down and then catching on sleep would be the best alternative. Tried and tested :-)
So summing up, mostly blame yourself but not in every situation because that will make you a weak person overall. And if it does make you a weak person then remove the 'i' in you. Trash it!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Work for work's sake.

Now, one would wonder, what does this mean? Work for work's sake?
What is work's sake? It is something not for your own sake or for someone else, but just for work per se. No reason to work but just work because you are in this world to do your best. So just do your best and forget the rest. Sounds too clichéd, right? But true and very much practical.
Do your deed, don't worry about the fruit. As you will think about the fruit while you work, your work gets hampered, affected. Ultimately you suffer, you worry. It bothers you. Your work then bothers you. It no longer becomes pleasurable. Work becomes a load. A heavy burden load.
Get your intellect in between your mind and action, put it to the best use,for what it is best for-reasoning! Reason, think, intervene. Don't just go with the flow, get carried away but intervene, stop right there. Think!
A lot of disturbances will enter in between, irritate you. But all this will only make you sharp. A knife becomes sharp only by rubbing against a rough side. So get on to the rough side of disturbances, distractions, attractions but get sharp! Not blunt.
But how do you do that? How do you try to get your intellect in between your mind and action? How do you intervene? Only If you are constantly reminded, alerted. That is possible only by studying in the morning or reading daily on how to rise above the fall of the intellect.